Made for Truckers by Truckers

A strong carrier network designed to reduce loadboards cost, time spent on the phone and email negotiating, and improve your margin.

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Post Your Truck

Post your truck. Indicate your preferred lanes and regions. Post your RATE per mile upfront. Or you can search & book loads.

Get Booked

Once a shipper books your truck, you'll receive a load offer notification. Check out the load and shipper and accept.

Update Status

Update your load status. Try to always keep your commitment. And watch your margin improved as designed.

Your Full-Service Freight Booking Marketplace

Shippers and bookers alike are looking for carriers and trucks capacity by calls and emails. So we make it easy for them to find you here without you spending thousands of dollars on loadboards per month per user to look for shippers and bookers too. No more spending a lot of time looking for loads and negotiating without transparency. Our platform solves these issues for all parties involved.

Join Now!

Some of our Partners

"Before, I used to do everything. Spent a lot of time on the load boards, calling everybody for loads or about loads. Now on this platform, 1 click I post my truck then the next click I accept a load. Shippers and brokers find me instead and they see status when I change it from pickup to in-transit or delivered".

Download our App Now!

Manage your loads from your dashboard to your driver cell phone for pickup and delivery addresses, upload documents, load picture, notes, BOL, and more.

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